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Construction Cost

NY CREATES Builds NanoFab Reflection Facility

Published 1/24/2025

The New York Center for Research, Economic Advancement, Technology, Engineering, and Science (NY CREATES) is constructing the 310,000-sf NanoFab Reflection (NFR) facility in Albany, N.Y. Representing an expansion of the existing Albany NanoTech Complex, the four-story research and development building will feature a 50,000-sf ISO 5 cleanroom, complemented by approximately 50,000 sf of non-clean sub-fab space.

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URMC's Orthopaedics & Physical Performance Center Offers World-Class Care

Published 11/21/2024

The University of Rochester Medical Center has repurposed a suburban retail center as the Saunders Orthopaedics & Physical Performance Center in Henrietta, New York. Designed by Perkins&Will and SLAM, the adaptive reuse project transformed the Marketplace Mall into a 372,400-sf healthcare destination. The renovation of 227,000 sf of existing space involved significant upgrades to building systems, minimizing vibration impacts to diagnostic imaging equipment and robotic-assisted surgical procedures.

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Your Name Here: Engaging Donors Beyond the Nameplate

Published 3/27/2024

The University of North Dakota was ready to build a new facility for its business and public administration students. They had a significant donor on board to help, but how to make up the rest of the budget? The answer, it turned out, was to engage donors not just in the funding, but in the design and function of the building, and incorporate their ideas into its fabric.

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Making Every Square Foot Count: When Needs Grow and Budgets Don’t

Published 3/27/2024

In the 12 years between the conception and funding of Thurgood Marshall Hall and when an architect was hired to design it, the University of Maryland had added four research centers with 40 faculty and staff, creating a 20% shortfall in space and funding. Then at 60% construction drawings, the School of Public Policy added an undergraduate program. Learn how the university made creative use of every available corner of the new building to provide the program the students and faculty require.



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Creating BSL-3/ABSL-3 Research Space in Existing Facilities

Published 3/13/2024

Increasing demand for BSL-3 and ABSL-3 lab space in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic is driving up interest in renovating existing research facilities to accommodate these high-containment spaces. Even a small BSL-3 lab can be a costly undertaking, with special attention required for security of both personnel and biohazards, location in the building, and waste disposal, as well as the design and commissioning of exhaust system.

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Michigan State University Employs Modular Systems and Mass Timber to Transform an Old Power Station Into a Cutting-Edge STEM Teaching Facility

Published 1/31/2024

Michigan State University’s first new instructional building in 50 years incorporates the disparate elements of a long-mothballed power plant, modular infrastructure, and mass timber. The facility on the East Lansing campus consolidates MSU’s large core undergraduate STEM courses under one roof, with both wet and dry teaching labs, classrooms, and student support space.

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Phased Rehab Saves Problematic University Building from Demolition

Published 1/17/2024

The University of Colorado Boulder saved a mid-century building from demolition by refurbishing it -- and funding it -- in stages. They continued to use the building as the students and faculty decided the best use for each space, overcoming issues of low floor-to-floor heights, inadequate mechanical systems, and asbestos. 

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Dramatic Cost Savings and Space Efficiencies Achieved by Analyzing Needs vs. Wants

Published 1/3/2024

Philadelphia-based Genesis AEC was able to reduce the square footage of a new translational medicine center of excellence by more than half and cut cost estimates by 16%, by reviewing the client’s needs versus wants; using innovative design practices, including a first-of-its-kind firewall design; and applying the approach known as “engineering, procurement, and construction management (EPCM).” The facility for a U.S.-based multi-national pharmaceutical company opened on Sept. 1, 2023.

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Carnegie Mellon University’s New Science Building is Designed to Support Evolving Paradigms of Interdisciplinary Education and Discovery

Published 11/29/2023

The Richard King Mellon Hall of Sciences (RKM HoS), designed as a flexible, next-generation home for the future of science at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), will enable researchers and students from across the university to interact on projects in the foundational sciences, computer sciences, machine learning, data analytics, and contemporary art.

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University of Nevada Constructs College of Business

Published 11/22/2023

The University of Nevada is constructing a 128,000-sf facility for the College of Business in Reno. Designed by LMN Architects, the five-story building will provide a full range of spaces tailored to best practices in modern business education. Featuring a 300-seat auditorium, the collaborative structure will house advanced technology labs, team meeting rooms, faculty and administrative offices, a café, and a student commons.

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Harnessing Data to Improve Designs and Enhance Client Collaboration

Published 6/28/2023

Decisions about space size, type, and utilization must be based on data, but massive datasets can prove to be too much of a good thing if they are not translated into usable, understandable information. HDR's proprietary software, Data Wrangler, provides a platform for facilities planners, operators, and owners to visualize how data defines their spaces, and then manipulates that data in real time to demonstrate how to maximize the assets' potential. The result: Greater collaboration and faster decision-making.

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Containing the Cost of University Residence Hall Construction

Published 2/1/2023

Many college graduates remember, with varying degrees of fondness, the spartan cinder-block dorms of their youth. Today, when most universities are competing for students, the pressure is on to add amenities like e-sports rooms, private bathrooms, and walk-in closets. How can an institution stay competitive while still keeping costs down? The secrets include thorough planning and canny management of contingency.

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Prefabricated Modular Units Can Speed Development of Research Laboratory Space

Published 5/25/2022

When the National Institutes of Health was designing two new cleanroom research facilities, it faced familiar development challenges, including space constraints on an already-crowded campus, strict cleanroom guidelines, and the urgency to get scientists in the lab. The solution: prefabricated modular units. Executed well, the modular units shorten the design and construction schedule, provide better-quality spaces than stick-built laboratories or those employing modular panels that require on-site construction, and perform better for the scientific researchers who work in them.

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