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Research Facilities Design (RFD)

Research Facilities Design (RFD) Logo

Research Facilities Design (RFD) is a firm of laboratory design consultants focused exclusively on the programming and design of laboratory buildings for industry, healthcare, research and education. Since 1984 RFD has provided laboratory design services for over one thousand projects in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, and Egypt. These projects represent a wide range of facility and client types, including Biomedical, Bioscience, Physical Science, Engineering and Nanotechnology Research, University and College teaching facilities for private and public institutions, and research facilities for research institutes. The firm has also provided laboratory design services for Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical companies and a variety of research buildings for the Federal Government.

Malcolm Barksdale

3965 Fifth Avenue
Suite 400
San Diego, CA 92103-3107
United States


In the News

Santa Clara University Opens Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation

Published 10/6/2021

Santa Clara University opened the $253.5 million Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation in September of 2021. Designed by ZGF Architects with Research Facilities Design (RFD) as laboratory design consultant, the 270,000-sf facility provides leading-edge teaching and research environments for STEM programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

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Washington State University Tri-Cities Opens Collaboration Hall

Published 9/27/2021

Washington State University Tri-Cities opened the $30 million Collaboration Hall in Richland in September of 2021. Designed by ZGF Architects with Research Facilities Design (RFD) as laboratory design consultant, the 40,000-sf facility features technology-rich teaching labs for programs in physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, and anatomy and physiology.

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Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Opens New Academic Building

Published 9/8/2021

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology opened a $29 million academic building in September of 2021 in Terre Haute, Ind. Designed by RATIO Architects with Research Facilities Design (RFD) as laboratory design consultant, the 70,000-sf facility provides engineering design studios, flexible classrooms, collaborative workspaces, breakout rooms, and faculty innovation spaces.

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New Academic STEM Campus Emulates Silicon Valley

Published 7/7/2021

With its Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation, Santa Clara University has bridged the stark divide between the entrepreneurial mindset of its Silicon Valley neighbors and the steadfastness typically found in academia. Colleges and universities frequently borrow ideas from, and sometimes consult with, the companies they hope will hire their graduates. Santa Clara took it one step further by involving the corporate donor in every phase of the design. The result is a facility—featuring student-driven project spaces, interconnected and accessible faculty work areas, and collaborative teaching and research environments—that represents the expectation of Silicon Valley for its graduates to be ready to work across disciplines and on integrated teams.

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Carnegie Mellon University Constructs Scaife Hall of Engineering

Published 6/14/2021

Carnegie Mellon University is constructing a $75 million replacement facility for the Alan Magee Scaife Hall of Engineering in Pittsburg. More than doubling the size of the original building, the 120,000-sf structure will provide technology-rich research labs, flexible classrooms, and spaces for formal and informal collaboration.

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