The University of California, Los Angeles is constructing the $130 million Engineering VI building for the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science. The six-story, 150,000-sf project was designed by BNIM and Moore Ruble Yudell with Research Facilities Design (RFD) as laboratory design consultant. The multidisciplinary facility will provide temperature-stabilized, low-vibration, and low-electromagnetic environments for the development of advanced energy technologies. The first $58 million, 62,000-sf construction phase is slated for completion in early 2015 and will house the Mukund Padmanabhan Systems Scaling Technology Laboratory as well as research space for the Western Institute of Nanoelectronics (WIN) and Green Engineering and Metrology(GEM). A second phase of construction will begin in March of 2015 with completion expected in 2017.
Organization | Project Role |
Moore Ruble Yudell Architects & Planners
Research Facilities Design (RFD)
Laboratory Design Consultant