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Tradeline, Inc. filters and categorizes new-construction and industry news from regional and professional journals across the country. Here you will find new projects, products, and regulatory updates.

Indiana University Develops Psychology Research Labs

Published 8/14/2002

Indiana University in Bloomington is building a $6.3-million addition to the Psychology department housing child development, biology, and behavioral research laboratories. The four-story, 45,748-gsf (22,962-asf) structure will contain two teaching labs. The project includes shell space to accommodate future department growth, which will also enable consolidation of programs currently housed in a remote facility. Designed by CSO Architects, the addition is slated for completion in late summer of 2002.

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Indiana University Constructs Research Institute II

Published 8/14/2002

Indiana University in Indianapolis is building Research Institute II, a companion building and mirror image of the nearby Cancer Research Institute. The 127,648-gsf (65,707-asf) building will provide modular flexible laboratories for consolidated research in basic and medical sciences. Designed by BSA Design, the $26,940,000 institute will connect via a tunnel to the Medical Research and Library Building and will include labs, offices, support, and a basement. Centrally located service areas will house technologically advanced research equipment to be shared by multiple researchers.

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Indiana University Builds South Bend Student Activities Center

Published 8/14/2002

Indiana University is building the 92,387-gsf (57,280-asf) Student Activities Center on its South Bend campus. Designed by Architecture Design Group (ADG), the $16,651,000 project will house student government, organizational offices and meeting room facilities, and food service, retail, lounge, and support/security space. Recreational facilities in the center will include a fieldhouse, jogging track, handball courts, exercise and aerobics rooms, showers, and locker rooms.

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University of Memphis Builds FedEx Technology Institute

Published 8/13/2002

The planned $25-million FedEx Technology Institute at the University of Memphis is slated for completion in May 2003. Designed by a joint venture of The Crump Firm and Looney Ricks Kiss, the facility will house computer labs, a training room, hardware and software development labs, a technologically equipped forum, collaboration suites, a cyber-café and an exhibit area. Occupancy is anticipated in August 2003.

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