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University of Nebraska at Kearney Constructs Rural Health Education Building

Published 1/29/2024
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The University of Nebraska is constructing the $95 million Kristensen Rural Health Education Building on its Kearney campus. Created in collaboration with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the 114,000-gsf facility will accommodate programs in medicine, nursing, and allied health, as well as offering professional development, training, and continuing education opportunities. Addressing a pressing need for more healthcare providers in underserved areas, the 95,000-asf structure will house technology-enabled classrooms, teaching labs, simulation suites, and immersive learning environments, as well as space for research, clinical care, and community outreach.

RDG Planning & Design is the architect for the three-story building with MCL Construction as general contractor and Alvine Engineering as MEP engineer. Ground was broken in September of 2023 with occupancy expected in early 2026. Supported by $60 million in federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act, the public-private project includes the targeted renovation of an adjacent facility to establish the Douglas A. Kristensen Health Sciences Education Complex.

Organization Project Role
MCL Construction
General Contractor
Alvine Engineering
MEP Engineer