Brookhaven National Lab has awarded U.W. Marx Construction Company a $33 million contract to renovate 89,000 sf in two buildings. The project will update laboratories, support space, and offices in the physics building and the chemistry building in Upton, N.Y. Construction will begin by October of 2011. The $50.8 million project includes installation of new air handling systems to optimize temperature and humidity control and reduce energy consumption; the HVAC systems will include HEPA filtration. LEED Silver sustainable design certification will be sought for the facilities. The chemistry building will undergo renovation of 26,000 sf, which will house researchers studying materials science, energy technologies, alternative fuels, and nanomaterials. The physics building will have 63,000 sf renovated, including a three-story lab and office wing; new cleanrooms will be constructed.
Brookhaven National Lab Initiates Renovation
Upton, N.Y.