McMaster University opened the $48 million Engineering Technology Building in October of 2009 in Hamilton, Ontario. Designed by Vermeulen Hind Architects, the 125,000-sf facility will house the McMaster-Mohawk Bachelor of Technology Partnership, the first-year Engineering program, the McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering, the Walter G. Booth School of Engineering Practice, a new Biointerfaces Institute, and the Centre for Research in Micro- and Nano-Systems. The five-story teaching and research building will accommodate over 2,000 students, professors, researchers, and staff. LEED Gold sustainable design certification will be sought for the project, which features automated lighting, a dual duct HVAC system with heat recovery, and a building envelope with integrated mechanical systems that utilizes the thermal mass of the structure as a heat sink.
McMaster University Opens Engineering Technology Building
Hamilton, Ontario