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UK Funds £397 Million in Research Facilities

Published 7/17/2008

The United Kingdom’s Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) released £397 million in research facility funding in July of 2008. The Large Facilities Capital Fund awards include:

  • £67 million for the £200 million Laboratory of Molecular Biology at Cambridge redevelopment
  • The £28.5 million Birth Cohort Studies research facility, slated for completion in 2012
  • The £50 million Hartree Centre computational sciences facility at Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus
  • The £24 million Imaging Solutions Centre at Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
  • The £30 million Detector Systems Centre for sensors research sited jointly at Harwell and Daresbury
  • £25 million for the ISIS Stage 2 Phase III neutron and muon source at Harwell
  • £92.5 million for Diamond Light Source Phase III
  • £15 million for the Square Kilometer Array global radio telescope
  • £65 million for a supercomputer research facility

Other projects that will receive future funding include:

  • The Institute of Animal Health at Pirbright
  • The UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation at King's Cross
  • The Institute of Materials Design