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UCSF Completes Genentech Hall

Published 12/5/2002

The University of California, San Francisco has completed the 434,000-sf Genentech Hall on its Mission Bay Campus. Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership served as design consultant to SmithGroup for the facility, which is the first to be constructed on the new 43-acre campus in San Francisco. Genentech Hall encompasses chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology and computational laboratories, laboratory support, offices, conference facilities, an auditorium, and a cafeteria.

The building was designed to reflect its multiple functions and configured to maximize collaborative research. Offices are located at the building corners flanking open laboratory suites. Conference rooms, situated between the laboratories, have been recessed to break down the scale of the building and to help draw light into interior spaces. An outdoor amphitheater offers tiered seating for 388 people.

ZGF Architects LLP