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All-electric, all-inclusive: San Francisco State University’s Science & Engineering Innovation Center

Carmen Domingo, PhD
Carmen Domingo
Dean, College of Science & Engineering

A combination construction/repurposing initiative has birthed the all-electric Science & Engineering Innovation Center which opened in January on the San Francisco State University campus. The dynamic facility layout enables innovative student/faculty research, adaptability, and collaborative pedagogy, with an emphasis on social interaction, experimentation, collaborative ideation, and team-based learning. Carmen Domingo highlights project decisions and building features aimed at inclusiveness and excellence in preparing the science and engineering workforce of the future. She illustrates the program drivers for a host of state-of-the-art spaces including garage makerspaces, a machine shop, applied project space, studio-style chemistry instructional spaces, and engineering, chemistry, and biochemistry research spaces.

Monday, Apr 7th 4:15PM - 4:45PM