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How USC Viterbi revolutionized innovation to create Ginsburg Hall

Tim Cowell
Tim Cowell
Director of Space Planning and Design at USC Viterbi
John Roberson
John Roberson
CEO, Chief Cheerleader

The recently-opened Ginsberg Human Centered Computation Hall is a key enabling component of USC’s “Frontiers of Computing” moonshot, and the home of the recently-established School of Advanced Computing. The interdisciplinary collaboration in the Viterbi School of engineering exemplifies the power of innovation across diverse fields. Blending engineering, business, and the arts in one technically-sophisticated building is no easy task, and here Tim Cowell and John Roberson chart the process of catalyzing project vision and design decisions around the technical program needs of advanced computation, robotics, quantum computing, and AI. They examine decisions on faculty and student research spaces, location and infrastructure for a server farm, collaboration areas, and achieving LEED Platinum status.

Tuesday, Apr 8th 9:45AM - 10:10AM