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Hands-on learning: Enabling program growth in existing (and future) building footprints

Timothy Reynolds, PE
Timothy Reynolds
Principal/Higher Education Team
Cherie Summers
Cherie Summers

Colleges and universities with high growth programs are having to accommodate additional students with limited facility expansion, leading to tremendous pressure on existing spaces and college resources. Here you’ll see the space use efficiency steps University of Colorado Boulder is taking to prepare for 20-40% enrollment growth in the College of Engineering and Applied Science over the next 5- to 7-years. Session leaders examine the results of a study on existing hands-on learning and project activity spaces, and opportunities identified to increase effective space use, improve student experience, and reprioritize future projects. They illustrate national trends on university enrollment and space use, highlight challenges to be aware of when repurposing spaces, and developing a roadmap for the future.

Occurs Location
Thursday, Nov 14th 11:10AM - 12:05PM
Vaquero G
Friday, Nov 15th 8:05AM - 9:00AM
Vaquero E
CEU Type Units
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
1.00 Units
Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW)
1.00 Units