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Research expansion without identified users: Facility planning best practices

Meredith Hayes Gordon, AIA
Meredith Gordon
Jeff Puleo, AIA
Jeff Puleo
Planning Principal
J. Michael Oakes, Ph.D.
J. Michael Oakes
Senior Vice President for Research

Planning research facility capital projects with long lead times often demands some informed forecasting for lab, space, and infrastructure needs of yet-to-be-identified end-users. Session leaders profile multiple case studies where significant research buildings were undertaken and planned with an overarching growth in research goal -- but no users identified. They take a deep dive into Case Western Reserve University’s research growth and capital project future-proofing strategy, compare results, and identify where goals were met, exceeded, or adjusted. They identify critical milestones and governance/cultural components that dramatically impact project outcomes, and best practices for mitigating any discrepancy between forecasts and future research requirements including “loose fit” solutions and flexibility/adaptability strategies.

Thursday, Apr 10th 1:10PM - 2:05PM
Friday, Apr 11th 1:45PM - 2:40PM