Kathryn Horne is an architect with over 30 years of experience focused on planning and design of education facilities. As the director of planning and the campus architect at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Kathryn leads the capital planning for the university, and guides the physical development of the campus in accordance with the campus master plan to align project goals with the university's strategic plan and vision. Since joining UNC Charlotte, Horne has worked with staff and consultants to oversee the planning, programming, design and construction of capital projects including a new Science building (121,000 GSF), University Health and Wellness Center (160,000 GSF), Admissions building, several comprehensive renovations and upfits for science and engineering departments. An update to the campus master is underway and a classroom study to understand UNC Charlotte's instructional space needs was recently completed. Past studies include the Athletics Facilities plan, sector studies and several feasibility and space utilization studies. Prior to joining UNC Charlotte, Kathryn was a senior planner at Georgia Tech and a partner in an architectural firm. The focus of her professional work is the planning and design for education.
Horne, Kathryn | University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Kathryn Lauria Horne, FAIA, LEED AP
Director of Planning, Design Construction | Campus Architect