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Fuel Stabilizing Device Reduces Heating Costs

Published 10/3/2007

An in-line fuel stabilization device exclusively represented by The Energy Group can cut operating costs in boilers by 10 to 30 percent or more. The "Fossil Fuel Stabilizer" has proven effective in both oil- and gas-fired boilers, including industrial boilers and furnaces. It is more efficient with boilers fueled by heating oil (which delivers 38 percent more BTU's per unit as natural gas). The device improves operating efficiency by dynamically delivering cleaner-burning "stabilized" fuel to the combustion chamber. At one corporate site, the device improved combustion efficiency from 22-40 percent while reducing fuel consumption 30 percent.

Typical payback is one to three years. The size and cost of the equipment depends on line sizing. Equipment is available for fuel lines from 3/4" diameter up to 6" with costs ranging from $6,300 to $65,000. The device stabilizes fuel without adding anything to it so fuel burns more cleanly, which can help extend the life of a boiler. Dramatic fuel reductions mean fewer emissions of greenhouse gases and opportunities for further savings by trading carbon credits. For more information about "The Fuel Stabilizer," visit