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U.S. Postal Service Implements Energy Efficient Building Controls

Published 4/4/2004

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has invested more than $18 million in energy efficiency measures at 131 of its New York facilities. With funding from the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA), the upgrades will significantly cut energy consumption, generate substantial savings, and enhance workplace productivity. ConEdison Solutions, an energy services company based in White Plains, NY, conducted a far-reaching USPS energy savings program in conjunction with NYSERDA.


One of the key energy saving measures installed at the postal facilities is a new computerized lighting controls management system capable of dimming lights by various zone controls, all of which are tied in to a central computer. Additionally, 4,000 lighting fixtures were replaced with energy-saving electronic metal halide and T-8 fluorescent fixtures equipped with dimming controls. The new “white” lights system also provides a brighter work environment. Over $1.75 million is expected in annual energy savings from the improvements.