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Miami University Plans Voice of America Learning Center

Published 4/12/2004

Miami University is planning the construction of the $5 million Voice of America Learning Center in West Chester Township, Ohio. The latest design describes a conference center, five classrooms, two computer labs, and a 120-seat auditorium. Accommodating 75 courses per week, the facility is expandable to an additional 10,000 sf. A wireless network linked directly to the Butler County fiber-optic loop will enable instructors to brief students from remote locations.


The center will be used for students pursuing college degrees, workforce training, and continuing education required by various state licensing agencies. Colleges may lease classroom space in the center. Miami University has petitioned the state for $3.5 million from the capital budget for the construction of the center in addition to the $1.5 million already received. $700,000 will be contributed by Miami’s regional campuses as startup funding.