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University of Colorado at Boulder Plans Facilities Assessment

Published 4/21/2002

The University of Colorado at Boulder (UC-B) has selected VFA, a provider of Web-based facilities and capital asset management solutions and software, to perform a detailed facility condition assessment, provide in-the-field training on VFA's assessment methodology, and deliver VFA.facility, the central Web-based platform of VFA's capital planning and management solutions (CPMS) tools. UC-B facility officials hope to capture and quantify the campus' deferred maintenance backlog efficiently and effectively, and to gain tools to easily maintain, update, and communicate facilities condition information. VFA's Web-based tools will be used for reporting and modeling, as well as improving the accuracy of building cost estimates and the quality of information gathered. Officials will also be able to use the software to develop reports that demonstrate the exponential growth of potential deferred maintenance costs over time.